The Other Side of the Wheat Field
Sometimes, a child’s entire life can be changed by a single bold decision. That’s certainly true for Roshni, a new Teach Her scholar hoping to begin college this fall.

Mar 07, 2024
Roshni was born in a small village in North India.
It was November, so the typically hot Indian air was cooler when she arrived—but the weather was the only easy part of her beginning. Her family was extremely poor and there was very little to feed a new baby girl. Day by day, month by month, Roshni grew weaker, crying out for more food that did not come.
The small hut where her family lived was set behind a wide green wheat field at the back of The Good Shepherd Agricultural Mission, a large orphanage with many acres of farmland.
It’s just a guess, but perhaps Roshni’s mom looked out at those fields—all that food—for days, listening to the happy chatter of children in the distance, dreaming of a better life for her new daughter.
When summer came and the brutally hot temperatures returned, there were no options left. Roshni was nine months old, and she weighed only six and half pounds.
In a bold act of desperation and love, her mother carried her to the other side of the wheat field and placed her in the Mission’s care. It was just a short walk down a dusty dirt road, but it changed every aspect of Roshni’s young life.

Roshni on her first day at the Mission...

...and just three months later!

Growing up, Age 10

With her mother and younger sister at Parent's Day

In the middle, surrounded by friends.

Roshni is now 19, tall and poised with a sharp curiosity for others.
Her life, so under threat at the start, is now the picture of health and possibility. She keeps in touch with her family, she's surrounded by friends, she loves to dance, and she hopes to study business in college. “If I get the chance, maybe I’ll start an online business one day,” she says.
And what does she think of when she thinks of the future?
"When I graduate from University and become successful," she says, "first I'll help my family, and then I would really love to help someone else in graduating too so they can also help others."

Roshni is sitting at the edge of the wheat field again. This time, though, it won’t be her mother who carries her away, it will be a generous donor with a big heart.
After all, it only takes is a single bold decision to change a child’s life forever.
Sponsor Roshni's Education
Anyone ready to make a bold decision and change a young woman's future? Click the link below and support at whatever level fits your heart and budget.
We are happy to report that, after a series of generous gifts, a big-hearted sponsor in Australia has stepped forward and offered to fund Roshni's complete education! Roshni is applying now and will begin classes in August. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this young woman's future. The world gets a little bit brighter with every student we enroll.