Teach Her in Tasmania
How far would you go for orphaned girls' education?

Aug 31, 2023
Something big is happening at Teach Her and we’d love you to be a part of it.
Our Founder and Chief Storyteller, John Marshall, recently visited Tasmania, Australia to launch the Teach Her 100 project. In partnership with Sam Haberle and the legends at S. Group as well as our Australian fiscal partner Women for Change, our goal was to enroll 100 new Indian Teach Her students this fall!
This is a 5-year initiative, supporting some younger students in 11th & 12th grade all the way through three years of university. In addition to standard college degree programs, some students will be taking 1-year diploma courses and others taking skills training.
As a result, the average cost per student is amazingly low at just $833 per year or $2500 to sponsor an entire student’s education! That's only $70/month for three years to change a young woman's future!
This includes Coaching Support before college and Career Counseling after college, all of it managed by one of the most reputable child welfare organizations in the world: Miracle Foundation India.

It was a long trip for John, a journey that included a less-than-ideal night in the Los Angeles airport after missing a flight. But he hit the ground running, talking to students, potential donors and the media, telling the Teach Her story to anyone who would listen.

His visit culminated with a large event where 150 local change makers came together to support orphaned girls’ education.
It actually was an amazing night and a testament to the huge heart that beats in the Launceston, Tasmania community. After stories, a small auction and two “shoeys” from Sam (where you drink a beer from your own shoe when challenged), Teach Her raised the first two years of support for these girls and have committed to their full education.
Australian people coming together for an American organization so Indian girls can go to college. It truly was a global event. Here are a few moments from the evening.

With the launch complete, we hope you’ll consider getting involved, sponsoring a student or more than one if you feel inspired. We’ve just created a Teach Her 100 Project campaign in the USA and invite you all to take a look.
If you live in Australia and want your gift to be tax deductible, a link to the Australian campaign is right HERE.
For those in the USA, your link is just below. If you’re of age and so inclined, I invite you to do a shoey and sponsor a girl’s education. Imagine the impact 100 women will have on the world? Together, we will be creating real, long-lasting change.
The Teach Her 100 Project
(Don't let the Tasmanians have all the fun :)
Help secure the future for 100 orphaned girls.
Imagine the impact. and consider getting involved.